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1. No griefing! This does not apply to ANY sort of prank, ALTHOUGH! DO NOT grief someone and say "I pranked him"
2. No Eating things from other chest. Do not take anything from any chest/building/machines/etc that isn’t explicitly marked "free"
3. Ask for op for a free ban!
4. Do NOT ask for generated materials. All materials must be found or created legitimately. Furthermore, do NOT ask for your inventory to be restored if you accidentally fall in lava or leave the house at night without a sword. Unless a staff member has turned in to an idiot and tries to murder you, you have lost your things. Also to make sure you read these you shall incorporate the world toast into your application, if this is passes up, no second chances.
5. Anything done on your account is YOUR responsibility. If anyone manages to get on your account and grief, you will be banned because we can’t be sure that it wasn't you. As in, don't use stupid excuses.
6. Dupe glitching is fine!I say that anything that happens in a mod that was not meant to happen may be abused, because it IS there...

7. Don't Make Myscraft World I do give free bans for that it makes lag!!

8. Don;t Screw with power armour to make the server lag you will be screwd then !!



The Ban List!!!

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